Per offerte di lavoro e collaborazioni potete chiedere il cv a
For vacancies and collaborations, you can ask for an English curriculum vitae at
- Master technician in industrial information technology
- Technician for the promotion of typical local productions and food & wine culture
- Perito capotecnico in informatica industriale
- Tecnico per la promozione delle produzioni tipiche del territorio e della tradizione enogastronomica
Quick summary of work experiences
- Sysadmin, CTO
- Programmer (ASP/PHP, C++, JAVA etc.)
- Translator to/from English/Italian
- Shopkeeper, merchant
- Food production technician diploma
- 1st level AIS sommelier
- Record label owner
- Founder of cultural association of gastronomy Opalia
- Coordinates the project of history of Italian food and rural biodiversity Cornucopia
- Experienced in strength training and sports nutrition
- Wrote essays on gamification for the promotion of commercial products
- Event planner (concerts, fairs)
- Amateur music journalist since 1992